Checking for Points Inside Regions

Let’s start by defining both a sky and pixel region:

>>> from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
>>> from regions import CircleSkyRegion, PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion

>>> sky_center = SkyCoord(42, 43, unit='deg')
>>> sky_radius = Angle(25, 'deg')
>>> sky_region = CircleSkyRegion(sky_center, sky_radius)
>>> print(sky_region)
Region: CircleSkyRegion
center: <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
    (42., 43.)>
radius: 25.0 deg

>>> pixel_center = PixCoord(x=42, y=43)
>>> pixel_radius = 42
>>> pixel_region = CirclePixelRegion(pixel_center, pixel_radius)
>>> print(pixel_region)
Region: CirclePixelRegion
center: PixCoord(x=42, y=43)
radius: 42

Let’s also define a WCS object using our example dataset:

>>> from regions import make_example_dataset
>>> dataset = make_example_dataset(data='simulated')
>>> wcs = dataset.wcs

To test if a given point is inside or outside the region, the Python in operator can be called:

>>> from regions import PixCoord
>>> PixCoord(55, 40) in pixel_region
>>> PixCoord(55, 200) in pixel_region

The in operator works only for scalar coordinates and pixel regions. If you try to use in for non-scalar coordinates, you’ll get a ValueError:

>>> pixcoord = PixCoord([50, 50], [10, 60])
>>> pixcoord in pixel_region
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: coord must be scalar. coord=PixCoord(x=[50 50], y=[10 60])

If you have arrays of coordinates, use the regions.SkyRegion.contains or regions.PixelRegion.contains methods:

>>> pixcoords = PixCoord.from_sky(sky_center, wcs)
>>> pixel_region.contains(pixcoords)

Note that regions.SkyRegion.contains requires a WCS to be passed:

>>> skycoord = SkyCoord([50, 50], [10, 60], unit='deg')
>>> sky_region.contains(skycoord, wcs)
array([False, True])