# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module proves classes to handle region metadata.
from copy import deepcopy
__all__ = ['Meta', 'RegionMeta', 'RegionVisual']
class RegionVisual(Meta):
A dictionary subclass which holds the visual attributes of the
valid_keys = ['color', 'dash', 'dashlist', 'fill', 'font',
'fontname', 'fontsize', 'fontstyle', 'fontweight',
'labeloff', 'labelpos', 'labelcolor', 'line', 'linestyle',
'linewidth', 'marker', 'markersize', 'symbol', 'symsize',
'symthick', 'textangle', 'textrotate', 'usetex',
'default_style', 'dashes', 'markeredgewidth', 'rotation',
'facecolor', 'edgecolor']
key_mapping = {'point': 'symbol', 'width': 'linewidth'}
def _define_default_mpl_kwargs(self, artist):
Define the default matplotlib kwargs for the specified artist.
The kwargs depend on the value of self.visual['default_style'],
which can be set when reading region files. If this keywords is
not set or set to 'mpl' or `None`, then the matplotlib defaults
will be used, with the exception fill is turned off for Patch
and Line2D objects.
artist : {'Text', 'Line2D', 'Patch'}
The matplotlib artist type.
result : dict
A dictionary of matplotlib keyword arguments.
kwargs = {}
default_style = self.get('default_style', None)
if default_style is None or default_style == 'mpl':
# do not fill by default, which is the only change from
# matplotlib defaults
if artist == 'Patch':
kwargs['fill'] = False
elif artist == 'Line2D':
kwargs['fillstyle'] = 'none'
kwargs['marker'] = 'o'
return kwargs
# 'ds9' style is set when reading from ds9 region files
elif default_style == 'ds9':
kwargs['color'] = '#00ff00' # green
if artist == 'Text':
kwargs['ha'] = 'center' # text horizontal alignment
kwargs['va'] = 'center' # text vertical alignment
elif artist == 'Line2D':
from regions.io.ds9.core import ds9_valid_symbols
kwargs['marker'] = ds9_valid_symbols['boxcircle']
kwargs['markersize'] = 11
kwargs['markeredgecolor'] = kwargs.pop('color')
kwargs['fillstyle'] = 'none'
elif artist == 'Patch':
kwargs['edgecolor'] = kwargs.pop('color')
kwargs['fill'] = False
raise ValueError('invalid visual["default"] value')
return kwargs
def _to_mpl_kwargs(self, artist):
Convert the visual metadata to a dictionary of matplotlib
keyword arguments for the given artist.
artist : {'Text', 'Line2D', 'Patch'}
The matplotlib artist type.
result : dict
A dictionary of matplotlib keyword arguments.
if artist == 'Text':
keymap = {'font': 'family',
'fontstyle': 'style',
'fontweight': 'weight',
'fontsize': 'size',
'textangle': 'rotation'}
elif artist == 'Line2D':
keymap = {'symsize': 'markersize',
'color': 'markeredgecolor',
'linewidth': 'markeredgewidth',
'fill': 'fillstyle'}
elif artist == 'Patch':
keymap = {'color': 'edgecolor',
'fill': 'fill'}
raise ValueError('invalid artist type')
kwargs = {}
for name, val in self.items():
if name in keymap:
# NOTE: this will override existing mpl kwargs
kwargs[keymap[name]] = val
kwargs[name] = val
default_style = kwargs.pop('default_style', None)
if default_style == 'ds9':
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if val == 'green':
# X11/mpl green is #008000, ds9 uses #00ff00
kwargs[key] = '#00ff00'
return kwargs
def define_mpl_kwargs(self, artist):
Define a dictionary of matplotlib keywords for the input
``artist`` from the region's ``visual`` properties.
artist : {'Text', 'Line2D', 'Patch'}
The matplotlib artist type.
result : dict
A dictionary of matplotlib keyword arguments.
if artist not in ('Patch', 'Line2D', 'Text'):
raise ValueError(f'artist "{artist}" is not supported')
kwargs = self._define_default_mpl_kwargs(artist)
remove_keys = []
if artist != 'Text':
remove_keys.extend(['fontname', 'fontsize', 'fontweight',
for key in remove_keys:
kwargs.pop(key, None)
if 'fontstyle' in kwargs:
kwargs['fontstyle'].replace('roman', 'normal')
return kwargs