Source code for regions.core.compound

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import operator as op

import numpy as np

from regions.core.attributes import RegionType
from regions.core.core import PixelRegion, SkyRegion
from regions.core.mask import RegionMask
from regions.core.metadata import RegionMeta, RegionVisual

__all__ = ['CompoundPixelRegion', 'CompoundSkyRegion']

[docs] class CompoundPixelRegion(PixelRegion): """ A class that represents the logical combination of two regions in pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- region1 : `~regions.PixelRegion` The inner Pixel region. region2 : `~regions.PixelRegion` The outer Pixel region. operator : callable A callable binary operator. meta : `~regions.RegionMeta`, optional A dictionary that stores the meta attributes of this region. visual : `~regions.RegionVisual`, optional A dictionary that stores the visual meta attributes of this region. """ _params = ('region1', 'region2', 'operator') _mpl_artist = 'Patch' region1 = RegionType('region1', PixelRegion) region2 = RegionType('region2', PixelRegion) def __init__(self, region1, region2, operator, meta=None, visual=None): if not callable(operator): raise TypeError('operator must be callable') self.region1 = region1 self.region2 = region2 if meta is None: self.meta = region1.meta else: self.meta = meta if visual is None: self.visual = region1.visual else: self.visual = visual self._operator = operator @property def operator(self): return self._operator
[docs] def contains(self, pixcoord): in_reg = self.operator(self.region1.contains(pixcoord), self.region2.contains(pixcoord)) if self.meta.get('include', True): return in_reg else: return np.logical_not(in_reg)
[docs] def to_mask(self, mode='center', subpixels=1): if mode != 'center': raise NotImplementedError mask1 = self.region1.to_mask(mode=mode, subpixels=subpixels) mask2 = self.region2.to_mask(mode=mode, subpixels=subpixels) # Common bounding box bbox = self.bounding_box # Pad and to get the same shape padded_data = list() for mask in (mask1, mask2): pleft = abs(mask.bbox.ixmin - bbox.ixmin) pright = abs(bbox.ixmax - mask.bbox.ixmax) ptop = abs(bbox.iymax - mask.bbox.iymax) pbottom = abs(mask.bbox.iymin - bbox.iymin) padded_data.append(np.pad(, ((pbottom, ptop), (pleft, pright)), 'constant')) data = self.operator(*np.array(padded_data, dtype=int)) return RegionMask(data=data, bbox=bbox)
[docs] def to_sky(self, wcs): skyreg1 = self.region1.to_sky(wcs=wcs) skyreg2 = self.region2.to_sky(wcs=wcs) return CompoundSkyRegion(region1=skyreg1, operator=self.operator, region2=skyreg2, meta=self.meta.copy(), visual=self.visual.copy())
@staticmethod def _make_annulus_path(patch_inner, patch_outer): """ Define a matplotlib annulus path from two patches. This preserves the cubic Bezier curves (CURVE4) of the aperture paths. Taken from ``photutils.aperture.core``. """ import matplotlib.path as mpath path_inner = patch_inner.get_path() transform_inner = patch_inner.get_transform() path_inner = transform_inner.transform_path(path_inner) path_outer = patch_outer.get_path() transform_outer = patch_outer.get_transform() path_outer = transform_outer.transform_path(path_outer) verts_inner = path_inner.vertices[:-1][::-1] verts_inner = np.concatenate((verts_inner, [verts_inner[-1]])) verts = np.vstack((path_outer.vertices, verts_inner)) codes = np.hstack((, return mpath.Path(verts, codes)
[docs] def as_artist(self, origin=(0, 0), **kwargs): """ Return a matplotlib patch object for this region (`matplotlib.patches.PathPatch`). Parameters ---------- origin : array_like, optional The ``(x, y)`` pixel position of the origin of the displayed image. **kwargs : `dict` Any keyword arguments accepted by `~matplotlib.patches.PathPatch`. Returns ------- patch : `~matplotlib.patches.PathPatch` A matplotlib patch object. """ if ( == and self.operator is op.xor): import matplotlib.patches as mpatches # set mpl_kwargs before as_artist is called on region1 and # region2 mpl_kwargs = self.visual.define_mpl_kwargs(self._mpl_artist) mpl_kwargs.update(kwargs) patch_inner = self.region1.as_artist(origin=origin) patch_outer = self.region2.as_artist(origin=origin) path = self._make_annulus_path(patch_inner, patch_outer) patch = mpatches.PathPatch(path, **mpl_kwargs) return patch else: raise ValueError('unable to convert region to matplotlib ' f'artist: {self}')
@property def bounding_box(self): return self.region1.bounding_box | self.region2.bounding_box @property def area(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rotate(self, center, angle): """ Rotate the region. Positive ``angle`` corresponds to counter-clockwise rotation. Parameters ---------- center : `~regions.PixCoord` The rotation center point. angle : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` The rotation angle. Returns ------- region : `CompoundPixelRegion` The rotated region (which is an independent copy). """ region1 = self.region1.rotate(center, angle) region2 = self.region2.rotate(center, angle) return self.copy(region1=region1, region2=region2)
[docs] class CompoundSkyRegion(SkyRegion): """ A class that represents the logical combination of two regions in sky coordinates. Parameters ---------- region1 : `~regions.SkyRegion` The inner sky region. region2 : `~regions.SkyRegion` The outer sky region. operator : callable A callable binary operator. meta : `~regions.RegionMeta`, optional A dictionary that stores the meta attributes of this region. visual : `~regions.RegionVisual`, optional A dictionary that stores the visual meta attributes of this region. """ _params = ('region1', 'region2', 'operator') region1 = RegionType('region1', SkyRegion) region2 = RegionType('region2', SkyRegion) def __init__(self, region1, region2, operator, meta=None, visual=None): if not callable(operator): raise TypeError('operator must be callable') self.region1 = region1 self.region2 = region2 if meta is None: self.meta = region1.meta else: self.meta = RegionMeta() if visual is None: self.visual = region1.visual else: self.visual = RegionVisual() self._operator = operator @property def operator(self): return self._operator
[docs] def contains(self, skycoord, wcs): in_reg = self.operator(self.region1.contains(skycoord, wcs), self.region2.contains(skycoord, wcs)) if self.meta.get('include', True): return in_reg else: return np.logical_not(in_reg)
[docs] def to_pixel(self, wcs): pixreg1 = self.region1.to_pixel(wcs=wcs) pixreg2 = self.region2.to_pixel(wcs=wcs) return CompoundPixelRegion(region1=pixreg1, operator=self.operator, region2=pixreg2, meta=self.meta.copy(), visual=self.visual.copy())
[docs] def as_artist(self, ax, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError