Source code for regions.shapes.text

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module defines text regions in both pixel and sky coordinates.

from regions._utils.wcs_helpers import pixel_scale_angle_at_skycoord
from regions.core.attributes import (RegionMetaDescr, RegionVisualDescr,
                                     ScalarPixCoord, ScalarSkyCoord)
from regions.shapes.point import PointPixelRegion, PointSkyRegion

__all__ = ['TextSkyRegion', 'TextPixelRegion']

[docs] class TextPixelRegion(PointPixelRegion): """ A text string in pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- center : `~regions.PixCoord` The leftmost point of the text string before rotation. text : str The text string. meta : `~regions.RegionMeta` or `dict`, optional A dictionary that stores the meta attributes of the region. visual : `~regions.RegionVisual` or `dict`, optional A dictionary that stores the visual meta attributes of the region. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: from regions import PixCoord, TextPixelRegion, RegionVisual import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) center = PixCoord(x=15, y=10) visual = RegionVisual({'textangle': 30}) reg = TextPixelRegion(center=center, text="Hello World!", visual=visual) reg.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_xlim(10, 30) ax.set_ylim(2.5, 20) ax.set_aspect('equal') """ _params = ('center', 'text') _mpl_artist = 'Text' center = ScalarPixCoord('The leftmost pixel position (before rotation) ' 'as a |PixCoord|.') meta = RegionMetaDescr('The meta attributes as a |RegionMeta|') visual = RegionVisualDescr('The visual attributes as a |RegionVisual|.') def __init__(self, center, text, meta=None, visual=None): super().__init__(center, meta, visual) self.text = text
[docs] def to_sky(self, wcs): center = wcs.pixel_to_world(, # rotation value is relative to the coordinate system axes; # convert from counterclockwise angle from the positive x axis # to angle relative to WCS longitude axis visual = self.visual if 'rotation' in self.visual: _, _, angle = pixel_scale_angle_at_skycoord(center, wcs) visual = visual.copy() visual['rotation'] -='deg').value - 90. return TextSkyRegion(center, self.text, meta=self.meta.copy(), visual=visual.copy())
[docs] def as_artist(self, origin=(0, 0), **kwargs): """ Return a matplotlib Text object for this region (`matplotlib.text.Text`). Parameters ---------- origin : array_like, optional The ``(x, y)`` pixel position of the origin of the displayed image. **kwargs : dict Any keyword arguments accepted by `~matplotlib.text.Text`. These keywords will override any visual meta attributes of this region. Returns ------- artist : `~matplotlib.text.Text` A matplotlib Text object. """ from matplotlib.text import Text mpl_kwargs = self.visual.define_mpl_kwargs(self._mpl_artist) mpl_kwargs.update(kwargs) return Text( - origin[0], - origin[1], self.text, **mpl_kwargs)
[docs] class TextSkyRegion(PointSkyRegion): """ A text string in sky coordinates. Parameters ---------- center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The leftmost position of the text string before rotation. text : str The text string. meta : `~regions.RegionMeta` or `dict`, optional A dictionary that stores the meta attributes of the region. visual : `~regions.RegionVisual` or `dict`, optional A dictionary that stores the visual meta attributes of the region. """ _params = ('center', 'text') center = ScalarSkyCoord('The leftmost position (before rotation) as a ' '|SkyCoord|.') meta = RegionMetaDescr('The meta attributes as a |RegionMeta|') visual = RegionVisualDescr('The visual attributes as a |RegionVisual|.') def __init__(self, center, text, meta=None, visual=None): super().__init__(center, meta, visual) self.text = text
[docs] def to_pixel(self, wcs): center, _, angle = pixel_scale_angle_at_skycoord(, wcs) # rotation value is relative to the WCS longitude axis; # convert to counterclockwise angle from the positive x axis visual = self.visual if 'rotation' in self.visual: visual = visual.copy() visual['rotation'] +='deg').value - 90. return TextPixelRegion(center, self.text, meta=self.meta.copy(), visual=visual.copy())