Source code for regions.core.regions

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides a Regions class.

from regions.core.core import Region
from regions.core.registry import RegionsRegistry

__all__ = ['Regions']
__doctest_skip__ = ['', 'Regions.write', 'Regions.parse',

[docs] class Regions: """ Class to hold a list of `~regions.Region` objects. This class provides a unified I/O interface that supports reading, writing, parsing, and serializing many region data formats. Parameters ---------- regions : list of `~regions.Region` The list of region objects. """ def __init__(self, regions=(), /): if regions == (): regions = [] for item in regions: if not isinstance(item, Region): raise TypeError('Input regions must be a list of Region ' 'objects') self.regions = regions def __getitem__(self, index): newregions = self.regions[index] if isinstance(newregions, Region): # one item return newregions else: newcls = object.__new__(self.__class__) newcls.regions = newregions return newcls def __repr__(self): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ return f'<{cls_name}({repr(self.regions)})>' def __str__(self): return str(self.regions) def __len__(self): return len(self.regions)
[docs] def append(self, region): """ Append the region to the end of the list of regions. Parameters ---------- region : `~regions.Region` The region to append. """ if not isinstance(region, Region): raise TypeError('Input region must be a Region object') self.regions.append(region)
[docs] def extend(self, regions): """ Extend the list of regions by appending elements from the input regions. Parameters ---------- regions : `~regions.Regions` or list of `~regions.Region` A `~regions.Regions` object or a list of regions to include. """ if isinstance(regions, Regions): self.regions.extend(regions.regions) else: for item in regions: if not isinstance(item, Region): raise TypeError('Input regions must be a list of Region ' 'objects') self.regions.extend(regions)
[docs] def insert(self, index, region): """ Insert the region before index. Parameters ---------- index : int The list index. region : `~regions.Region` The region to insert. """ self.regions.insert(index, region)
[docs] def reverse(self): """ Reverse the list of regions in place. """ self.regions.reverse()
[docs] def pop(self, index=-1): """ Remove and return the region at index. Parameters ---------- index : int, optional The index of the region to remove. Returns ------- result : `~regions.Region` """ return self.regions.pop(index)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a shallow copy of this object. """ newcls = object.__new__(self.__class__) newcls.regions = self.regions.copy() return newcls
[docs] @classmethod def get_formats(cls): """ Get the registered I/O formats as a Table. """ return RegionsRegistry.get_formats(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, format=None, cache=False, **kwargs): """ Read and parse a region file and return as a Regions object. This method allows reading a file in many supported data formats, e.g.,:: >>> from regions import Regions >>> reg1 ='regions.reg', format='ds9') >>> reg2 ='regions.crtf', format='crtf') >>> reg3 ='regions.fits', format='fits') A list of the available formats for `~regions.Regions` is available using:: >>> Regions.get_formats() Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename or URL of the file to read. format : str, optional The file format specifier. cache : bool or 'update', optional Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs. If 'update', check the remote URL for a new version but store the result in the cache. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the data reader. Returns ------- result : `~regions.Regions` A `~regions.Regions` object containing the file contents. """ return, cls, format=format, cache=cache, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data, format=None, **kwargs): """ Parse a region string or table and return as a Regions object. This method allows parsing region data in many supported data formats, e.g.,:: >>> from regions import Regions >>> reg1 = Regions.parse(regions_str, format='ds9') >>> reg2 = Regions.parse(regions_str, format='crtf') >>> reg3 = Regions.parse(regions_tbl, format='fits') A list of the available formats for `~regions.Regions` is available using:: >>> Regions.get_formats() Parameters ---------- data : str or `~astropy.table.Table` The region data to parse. format : str, optional The file format specifier. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the data parser. Returns ------- result : `~regions.Regions` A `~regions.Regions` object containing the data contents. """ return RegionsRegistry.parse(data, cls, format=format, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, filename, format=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """ Write the regions to a region file in the specified format. This method allows writing a file in many supported data formats, e.g.,:: >>> from regions import Regions >>> reg ='regions.reg', format='ds9') >>> reg.write('new_regions.reg', format='ds9') >>> reg.write('new_regions.crtf', format='crtf') >>> reg.write('new_regions.fits', format='fits') A list of the available formats for `~regions.Regions` is available using:: >>> Regions.get_formats() Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename or URL of the file to write. format : str, optional The file format specifier. overwrite : bool, optional If True, overwrite the output file if it exists. Raises an `OSError` if False and the output file exists. Default is False. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the data writer. """ return RegionsRegistry.write(self.regions, filename, self.__class__, format=format, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs)
[docs] def serialize(self, format=None, **kwargs): """ Serialize the regions to a region string or table. This method allows serializing regions in many supported data formats, e.g.,:: >>> from regions import Regions >>> reg ='regions.reg', format='ds9') >>> reg1_str = reg.serialize(format='ds9') >>> reg2_str = reg.serialize(format='crtf') >>> reg3_tbl = reg.serialize(format='fits') A list of the available formats for `~regions.Regions` is available using:: >>> Regions.get_formats() Parameters ---------- format : str, optional The file format specifier. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the data serializer. """ return RegionsRegistry.serialize(self.regions, self.__class__, format=format, **kwargs)