Source code for regions._utils.examples

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.table import vstack as table_vstack
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.wcs import WCS

from regions.core.pixcoord import PixCoord

__all__ = ['make_example_dataset']

[docs] def make_example_dataset(data='simulated', config=None): """ Make an example dataset. This is a factory function for ``ExampleDataset`` objects. The following config options are available (default values shown): * ``crval = 0, 0`` * ``crpix = 180, 90`` * ``cdelt = -1, 1`` * ``shape = 180, 360`` * ``ctype = 'GLON-AIT', 'GLAT-AIT'`` Parameters ---------- data : {'simulated', 'fermi'} The dataset to use. config : dict or None Configuration options. Returns ------- dataset : ``ExampleDataset`` An example dataset object. Examples -------- Make an example dataset: >>> from regions import make_example_dataset >>> config = dict(crpix=(18, 9), cdelt=(-10, 10), shape=(18, 36)) >>> dataset = make_example_dataset(data='simulated', config=config) Access properties of the ``dataset`` object: >>> dataset.source_table # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> dataset.event_table # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> dataset.wcs # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> dataset.image # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> dataset.hdu_list # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT """ if data == 'simulated': return ExampleDatasetSimulated(config=config) elif data == 'fermi': return ExampleDatasetFermi(config=config) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid selection data: {data}')
class ExampleDataset: """ Base class for an example dataset. """ def __init__(self, config=None): config_default = dict() # These parameters are FITS WCS order: (x, y) config_default['crval'] = 0, 0 config_default['crpix'] = 180, 90 config_default['cdelt'] = -1, 1 # This parameter is numpy order: (y, x) config_default['shape'] = 180, 360 config_default['ctype'] = 'GLON-AIT', 'GLAT-AIT' # Callers can update the default config parameters they want. if config: config_default.update(config) self.config = config_default @lazyproperty def wcs(self): """World coordinate system (`~astropy.wcs.WCS`).""" wcs = WCS(naxis=2) wcs.wcs.crval = self.config['crval'] wcs.wcs.crpix = self.config['crpix'] wcs.wcs.cdelt = self.config['cdelt'] wcs.wcs.ctype = self.config['ctype'] return wcs @lazyproperty def image(self): """Counts image (``).""" events = self.event_table skycoord = SkyCoord(events['GLON'], events['GLAT'], unit='deg', frame='galactic') pixcoord = PixCoord.from_sky(skycoord=skycoord, wcs=self.wcs) shape = self.config['shape'] bins = [np.arange(shape[0] + 1), np.arange(shape[1] + 1)] sample = np.vstack((pixcoord.y, pixcoord.x)).T data, _ = np.histogramdd(sample=sample, bins=bins) data = data.astype('float32') header = self.wcs.to_header() return fits.ImageHDU(data=data, header=header, name='image') @lazyproperty def hdu_list(self): """ HDU list (``). Different pieces collected together in a HDU list. This method makes it easy to write the example dataset to a FITS file with multiple HDUs. """ hdu_list = fits.HDUList() hdu = _table_to_bintable(self.source_table) = 'sources' hdu_list.append(hdu) hdu = _table_to_bintable(self.event_table) = 'events' hdu_list.append(hdu) hdu = self.image = 'image' hdu_list.append(hdu) return hdu_list class ExampleDatasetSimulated(ExampleDataset): """ Example simulated dataset. Similar to `ExampleDatasetFermi`, but simulated, not requiring any data files. """ @lazyproperty def source_table(self): """ Source table (`~astropy.table.Table`). Columns: GLON, GLAT, COUNTS """ table = Table() table['GLON'] = np.array([0, 45, 45], dtype='float32') table['GLAT'] = np.array([0, 0, 45], dtype='float32') table['COUNTS'] = np.array([100, 100, 100], dtype='int32') return table @lazyproperty def event_table(self): """ Event table (`~astropy.table.Table`). Columns: GLON, GLAT, SOURCE_IDX """ # Create event list table for each source tables = [] for source in self.source_table: lon = source['GLON'] * np.ones(source['COUNTS']) lat = source['GLAT'] * np.ones(source['COUNTS']) # TODO: scatter positions assuming Gaussian PSF on the sky # using SkyOffsetFrame. # coord = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit='deg', frame='galactic') table = Table() table['GLON'] = lon table['GLAT'] = lat table['SOURCE_IDX'] = source.index tables.append(table) # Stack all tables together table = table_vstack(tables) return table class ExampleDatasetFermi(ExampleDataset): """ Example real dataset using Fermi-LAT 2FHL source catalog and event list. When saving the HDU list to a FITS file, the file size is 748K, with the 65k EVENTS taking up most of the space. """ @lazyproperty def source_table(self): """ Source table (`~astropy.table.Table`). Columns: GLON, GLAT, COUNTS """ url = ('' 'fermi_2fhl/') table =, hdu='2FHL Source Catalog') table.rename_column('Npred', 'COUNTS') table.keep_columns(['GLON', 'GLAT', 'COUNTS']) table.meta.clear() return table @lazyproperty def event_table(self): """ Event table (`~astropy.table.Table`). Columns: GLON, GLAT """ url = ('' 'fermi_2fhl/2fhl_events.fits.gz') table =, hdu='EVENTS') table.rename_column('L', 'GLON') table.rename_column('B', 'GLAT') table.keep_columns(['GLON', 'GLAT']) table.meta.clear() return table def _table_to_bintable(table): """ Convert a `~astropy.table.Table` to a ``. """ data = table.as_array() header = fits.Header() header.update(table.meta) name = table.meta.pop('name', None) return fits.BinTableHDU(data, header, name=name) if __name__ == '__main__': dataset = make_example_dataset(data='simulated') dataset.hdu_list.writeto('example-dataset-simulated.fits', overwrite=True) dataset = make_example_dataset(data='fermi') dataset.hdu_list.writeto('example-dataset-fermi.fits', overwrite=True)